I thought it could be useful to have all of my gear in one place - with pictures and models of everything. I'm also planning on writing about my experience with different items and will be adding links to review posts on this page!
If you're looking for a backpacking checklist of what to pack in a more copy-friendly format - check out this blog post and feel free to copy and modify it to your needs.
I divided the items to categories, similarly in how they appear in my packing list, so it's easier to navigate.
Since I've made some updates to my sleeping system in 2021, I'm happy to report it works much better than in 2020! Read My backpacking sleeping system (sucks) blog post to learn about the problems I had last year and the newer My sleeping system doesn't suck anymore - to see how the updates have affected the quality of my sleep in the backcountry.
Also, I have a separate post about my tent and my experience with it - Nemo Dragonfly 2P review or How I broke it twice. As you might see, not everything goes smooth in the backcountry 😅 but the better you are prepared, the more you will enjoy it regardless!
I have also decided to include here the items I have replaced and no longer use, so you have some ideas for cheaper/simpler alternatives and what the compromises are.
All of these pics make me wonder how I manage to fit everything into my backpack and carry it anywhere 😂
Read about 5 items that made a difference to my outdoor experience to find out which pieces of gear I especially love.
Let me know in the comments below if you would like to get more info about a particular item!
Follow my journey on the instagram!